British Columbia’s vibrant economy, skilled workforce, and strategic location make it a prime destination for aspiring entrepreneurs. The  ritish Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) offers an exciting Entrepreneur Immigration stream, allowing eligible international business leaders to establish their ventures in the province and potentially secure Canadian permanent residence (and eventually, citizenship) alongside
their families.

BC PNP Entrepreneur Stream:
Criteria for Eligibility

The British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) Entrepreneur Stream offers a pathway to permanent residence for qualified international entrepreneurs looking to establish their businesses in the province. This section outlines the key eligibility criteria you need to

Essential Qualifications:

    Personal Net Worth: Possess a verifiable minimum net worth of CAD$600,000.

    Business Experience: Have a minimum of:

     3+ years as an active business owner-manager.

     4+ years as a senior manager.

     1+ year as an active business owner-manager, combined with 2+ years as a senior manager.

     Education & Ownership: Hold a post-secondary education credential OR possess at least 3 years of experience as an active business owner-manager with 100% ownership in the last 5 years.

    Language Proficiency: Demonstrate basic English or French language skills equivalent to Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level 4 or higher.

Business Proposal and Investment:

    Submit a detailed business proposal outlining your intended business:

    Establishment of a new eligible business OR purchase and improvement of an existing business.

    Minimum personal investment of CAD$200,000.

    Creation of at least one new full-time job for a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.

    Upon invitation to apply:

    Demonstrate alignment between your proposed business and the registered business concept.

    Present a convincing market entry strategy showcasing the venture’s potential for commercial success
in BC.

Existing Business Purchase (additional

    Explain your plan for business growth.

    Verify the business is a going concern (operational and not in receivership).

     Demonstrate the ability to generate profit and sustain the expanded workforce.

    Confirm the business has been owned by the current owner for at least 5 years.

Important Note: You cannot modify your business concept after submitting your registration.

Investment Proof:

    Provide evidence of your ability to make a minimum personal investment of CAD$200,000 in the proposed business.

    If you include a Key Staff Member in your application, the minimum investment increases to CAD$400,000.

BC PNP Entrepreneur Stream Points System:

The BC PNP Entrepreneur Stream uses a point-based system to assess the eligibility of candidates. Upon registering, candidates will receive a score based on various factors. To qualify for the selection pool, you must achieve minimum scores in each section and reach the
overall minimum score.

Points Breakdown:

Scoring Section Points Available
Self-declared (Subtotal: 120)
Experience 20
Ownership 4
Net worth 12
Total personal investment 20
Jobs 20
Regional district 12
Adaptability 32
Business concept (Subtotal: 80)
Commercial viability 30
Transferability of skills 20
Economic benefits 30
Maximum Available Score: 200

BC PNP Entrepreneur Stream: Experience Points

Maximum Points: 20

Minimum Requirement for Eligibility: 8 points

Eligible Experience:

    Business ownership and
management experience in the last 10 years

    Senior management
positions in any industry for the last 10 years

Experience Points Table:

Experience Total Duration Points
Business owner-manager experience Less than 12 months 0
12 to 24 months 4
25 to 36 months 6
37 to 48 months 12
49 to 60 months 15
More than 60 months 20
Senior manager work experience Less than 24 months 0
24 to 48 months 4
49 to 60 months 8
More than 60 months 12

Additional points may be awarded to candidates who meet the following criteria:

  • Owned 100% of a business for at least 3 of the past 5 years.
  • The business ownership can be jointly held by the candidate, their spouse/common-law partner, or dependent child(ren).
Ownership Years of Ownership Points
Business ownership Less than 3 years 0
At least 3 of the last 5 years 4
Maximum score available 4

BC PNP Entrepreneur Stream: Net Worth Points

Maximum Points: 12

Minimum Requirement for Eligibility: 5 points

Eligible Net Worth:

  • Personal net worth of the candidate
  • Net worth of the candidate’s spouse or common-law partner (if applicable)

BC PNP Entrepreneur Stream:

Net Worth Points Table

Total Current Assets (Cash & Liquid Funds) Points
Less than $50,000 0
$50,000 to $199,999 2
$200,000 to $399,999 3
$400,000 or more 4
Subtotal 4
Total Personal Net Worth Points
Less than $600,000 0
$600,000 to $799,999 5
$800,000 to $1,999,999 6
$2,000,000 to $4,999,999 7
$5,000,000 or more 8
Subtotal 8
Maximum Score Available 12

Minimum Requirements:

  • Create at least 1 new full-time job for a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
  • If proposing a Key Staff Member, create at least 3 new full-time jobs.


This table outlines the points awarded based on the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs your proposed business will create or maintain. Creating more jobs generally leads to higher point allocations, reflecting the program’s emphasis on job creation and economic contribution.

BC PNP Entrepreneur Stream:

Regional District Points Table

Location Based on BC Regional District Population Points Explanation
500,000 people or more 0 Business located in a highly populated area with less need for economic diversification.
200,000 to 499,999 1 Moderate population; some points awarded for regional economic contribution.
100,000 to 199,999 3 Points increase for establishing business in a region with potential for economic growth.
70,000 to 99,999 6 More significant points awarded for contributing to smaller, developing regions.
60,000 to 69,999 8 Substantial points for choosing a less populated region with even greater development needs.
35,000 to 59,999 10 High points awarded for locating business in a region seeking significant economic activity.
Fewer than 35,000 people 12 Maximum points for establishing business in the least populated regions with critical need for economic diversification.

Minimum Requirement:

  • Applicant must work at the primary place of business in the proposed regional district.

BC PNP Entrepreneur Stream:

Regional District Points (2016 Data)

Regional District Population (2016) Points
Greater Vancouver 2,558,029 0
Capital 382,645 1
Fraser Valley 301,238 1
Central Okanagan 197,075 3
Nanaimo 157,599 3
Thompson-Nicola 135,074 3
Fraser-Fort George 90,915 6
North Okanagan 85,164 6
Cowichan Valley 84,014 6
Okanagan-Similkameen 80,622 6
Peace River 66,504 8
Comox 64,847 8
Cariboo 63,111 8
Central Kootenay 60,775 8
East Kootenay 58,960 10
Columbia-Shuswap 52,021 10
Strathcona 46,175 10
Squamish-Lillooet 41,531 10
Bulkley-Nechako 40,383 10
Kitimat-Stikine 36,270 10
Alberni-Clayoquot 30,721 12
Kootenay-Boundary 29,926 12
Sunshine Coast 29,243 12
Powell River 20,328 12
Skeena-Queen Charlotte 17,389 12
Mount Waddington 11,139 12
Northern Rockies 5,992 12
Central Coast 3,248 12
Stikine 674 12

BC PNP Entrepreneur Stream:

Adaptability Points Table

Maximum Score Available: 32

Adaptability Factor Points Description
English or French Language Proficiency 0 None or minimal (similar to CLB 3 and below) - Limited language proficiency may hinder integration and communication.
English or French Language Proficiency 2 Basic understanding (similar to CLB 4) - Demonstrates basic ability to understand and communicate.
English or French Language Proficiency 4 Intermediate and advanced (similar to CLB 5 and above) - Strong language skills facilitate integration and business operation.
Education Level 0 Secondary school or less - Lower educational attainment may limit adaptability.
Education Level 2 Associate degree - College degree demonstrates some academic background.
Education Level 2 Diploma / certificate (non-trades) - Specialized training can be valuable, depending on the industry.
Education Level 2 Diploma / certificate (trades) - Skilled trades experience can be valuable in some sectors.
Education Level 5 Bachelor's degree - Undergraduate degree demonstrates higher education and potential.
Education Level 5 Post-graduate diploma / certificate - Advanced training or specialization can enhance adaptability.
Education Level 8 Master's degree - Master's degree signifies significant academic achievement and potential.
Education Level 8 Doctorate / PhD - Highest level of academic achievement demonstrates strong adaptability.
Age 0 Less than 25 - Younger age may indicate less experience and adaptability.
Age 4 25 – 34 - Moderate age range with potential for growth and adaptability.
Age 8 35 – 44 - More experience and potential for adaptability in this age range.
Age 6 45 – 54 - Mid-career experience can provide valuable adaptability.
Age 4 55 – 64 - May have experience, but adaptability may decrease with age.
Age 0 65 or older - Older age may pose limitations to adaptability and integration.
Business Exploratory Visits 0 No, or visited BC more than 3 years ago - Limited exposure to BC may hinder understanding of the market.
Business Exploratory Visits 1 Yes, visited BC 1 – 3 years ago - Recent visit demonstrates some familiarity with the province.
Business Exploratory Visits 2 Yes, visited BC less than 1 year ago, but did not visit the Regional District of the proposed business - Recent visit, but limited understanding of the specific business location.
Business Exploratory Visits 4 Yes, visited the Regional District of the proposed business less than 1 year ago - Demonstrates direct interest and understanding of the chosen location.
Canadian Work Experience, Business Experience, or Studies from within Canada for at least 12 months 0 No - Lack of Canadian experience may limit understanding of the environment.
Canadian Work Experience, Business Experience, or Studies from within Canada for at least 12 months 8 Yes - Canadian experience can provide valuable insights and adaptability.

Business Concept Evaluation

The BC Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) Entrepreneur Stream evaluates the proposed business concept to assess its potential for success and contribution to the province. This evaluation contributes significantly to your overall score, with a maximum of 80 points available.

Minimum Eligibility Score: 32 points

The BC PNP assesses your business concept based on the following key criteria:

  • Commercial Viability (up to 30 points): This evaluates the feasibility and profitability of your business plan. Factors considered include market demand, competition, financial projections, and management experience.
  • Transferability of Skills (up to 20 points): This assesses your ability to successfully manage and operate the business based on your relevant skills, experience, and qualifications.
  • Economic Benefits (up to 30 points): This evaluates the potential economic contributions of your business to British Columbia. Factors considered include job creation, investment, and innovation.

Commercial Viability Points Table

Factor Points Description
Business Model 10 Clarity, feasibility, and potential for success of the business model.
Market & Products/Services 4 Market demand, competitiveness, and potential for growth.
Eligible Personal Investment 4 Amount and eligibility of your personal investment in the business.
Assessment of Proposed Personal Investment 6 Financial strength and sustainability of your proposed investment.
Ownership Percentage 4 Level of ownership and control you will have in the business.
Risk Factors 2 Identification and mitigation strategies for potential risks.

Business Model Points Table

Rating Points Description Examples of Concerns (Unsatisfactory/Unclear) Examples of Strengths (Fair/Good)
Unsatisfactory/Unclear 1 Business plan lacks clarity and raises serious doubts about its feasibility.
  • Business size unrealistic for industry or region.
  • Unclear how the business will operate from start to finish.
  • Products/services not defined or poorly explained.
  • Applicant's role in the business unclear.
  • Lack of information on local partners, co-applicants, or key staff (if applicable).
  • Ineligible key staff or co-applicants without a demonstrated working relationship.
  • Expansion plan for existing businesses lacks detail or is ineligible.
  • Expansion plan for existing businesses relies heavily on unsubstantiated claims of investment and job creation.
  • Business model is clearly identified and describes the operation from start to finish.
  • Products/services are clearly identified and well-explained.
  • Business size aligns with industry and regional norms.
  • Substantive information provided about local partners, co-applicants, and key staff (if applicable).
Fair 5 Business plan is understandable but lacks key details or differentiation.
  • Business model clearly identified and describes the operation.
  • Products/services clearly defined.
  • Business size aligns with industry and regional norms.
  • Information provided on local partners, co-applicants, and key staff.
Good 10 Business plan demonstrates strong potential and a well-defined strategy for success.
  • Investment and job creation plans align with the business model (both scoring 6 points in their respective assessments).
  • Clear strategy outlined to achieve commercial viability.
  • Operationally consistent plan with well-defined roles for the applicant based on their experience.
  • In addition to meeting "Fair" criteria, the plan demonstrates at least 3 of the following:
  • Investment and job creation plans align with the business model.
  • Clear strategy for commercial viability.
  • Internally consistent operational plan.
  • Applicant's proposed duties align with their experience.

Market & Product Points Table

Rating Points Description
Unsatisfactory 1 Market analysis and product/service offering lack depth and raise concerns about potential success.
Fair 4 Market analysis and product/service offering demonstrate basic understanding, aligning with the overall business model.
Eligible Personal Investment Amount Points
Less than $200,000 or less than $50,000 of eligible expansion investments 0
$200,000 to $399,999 1
$400,000 to $599,999 2
$600,000 to $799,999 3
$800,000 or more 4

Investment & Ownership Points Tables

Assessment of Proposed Personal Investment

Description Points
Investment proposal does not correspond to the type or scale of the business 0
Investment proposal corresponds to the type and scale of the business 4
Investment proposal corresponds to the type and scale of the business, the market, the proposed products and/or services, the business model, and the industry standard 6
Ownership Percentage Points
100% ownership 4
More than 50% and less than 100% 3
33 1/3 rd % to 50% 2
Less than 33 1/3 rd % ownership 0
Risk Factor Description Points
Proposing external financing Requires relying on additional funds beyond your personal investment, introducing potential uncertainty. 0
Proposing to invest more than 50% of your personal net worth Indicates significant financial risk exposure. 0
Proposing to partner with a co-registrant Introduces additional factors and potential complexities to the business operation. 0
No risk factors present Business plan demonstrates a more controlled and manageable approach. 2

BC PNP Entrepreneur Stream: Transferability of Skills Points Table

Direct Experience & Related Industry Experience

Category Experience Level Points Description
Business Experience None or less than 12 months in unrelated industry 2 Limited transferable skills due to lack of relevant experience.
12+ months in unrelated industry 4 Some transferable skills gained, but limited direct application to proposed business.
12-36 months direct experience or 37+ months related experience 5 Demonstrates relevant experience, but potentially not in-depth or extensive.
13-24 months direct experience or 37+ months related experience 8 Strong foundation of relevant skills and experience applicable to the business.
13-24 months direct experience & 37+ months related experience 10 Extensive experience in both direct and related fields, demonstrating strong transferability.
25-36 months direct experience 12 Significant direct experience likely transferable to the proposed business.
25-36 months direct experience & 37+ months related experience 14 In-depth direct experience combined with strong related knowledge, showcasing high transferability.
37-60 months direct experience 16 Extensive direct experience, likely highly transferable to the proposed business.
Category Experience Level Points Description
Work Experience Only None or less than 12 months in unrelated industry 2 Limited transferable skills due to lack of relevant experience.
12+ months in unrelated industry 4 Some transferable skills gained, but limited direct application to proposed business.
12-36 months experience 6 Demonstrates relevant experience, but potentially not in-depth or extensive.
37-60 months experience 8 Strong foundation of relevant skills and experience applicable to the business.
37-60 months experience & 37+ months related experience 10 Extensive experience in both direct and related fields, demonstrating strong transferability.
Over 60 months experience 12 Significant experience likely transferable to the proposed business.
Over 60 months experience & 37+ months related experience 14 In-depth experience combined with strong related knowledge, showcasing high transferability.
Proficiency Level Points Description
Minimal to none (Similar to CLB 3 or below) 0 Limited English or French language skills may hinder communication and integration.
Basic proficiency (Similar to CLB 4) 1 Demonstrates basic ability to understand and communicate, but may require further development.
Intermediate or above proficiency (Similar to CLB 5 or above) 2 Strong language skills facilitate communication and integration, enhancing business success.
Factor Description Points
Key Sector & Significant Economic Benefit Aligns with a designated key sector in British Columbia and demonstrates significant economic contribution. 12
Jobs Assessment Creates a projected number of new jobs in the province. 6
High-Skilled Jobs (NOC TEER 0, 1, 2, or 3) Creates new jobs classified as high-skilled (NOC TEER 0, 1, 2, or 3). 4
Regional Development Contributes to the economic development of a specific region in British Columbia. 8

Key Sectors and Economic Benefits for BC PNP Entrepreneur Stream

The BC Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) Entrepreneur Stream recognizes the potential of certain business sectors and activities to contribute significantly to the province’s economy. Businesses operating in these key sectors or demonstrating specific economic benefits may be eligible for additional points in their application evaluation.

Eligible Key Sectors:

  • Agrifoods: Businesses involved in food production and processing, contributing to a sustainable and innovative food system.
  • Technology and Green Economy: Businesses developing and applying environmentally friendly technologies and practices, supporting a sustainable future.
  • Forestry: Businesses contributing to the responsible management and utilization of British Columbia’s forest resources.
  • Transportation: Businesses enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of the transportation sector within the province.
  • International Education: Accredited educational institutions offering programs to international students, promoting cultural exchange and knowledge transfer.
  • Biomedical: Businesses engaged in research, development, and manufacturing in the life sciences sector, fostering innovation and economic growth.
  • Mining & Energy or Natural Gas Sector: Businesses operating responsibly and sustainably in these resource sectors, contributing to the provincial economy.
  • Destination Tourism: Businesses directly attracting tourists with their unique products and services, driving tourism growth and economic diversification.
  • Value-Added Manufacturing: Businesses involved in advanced and high-value manufacturing activities, contributing to job creation and economic diversification.
  • Aboriginal Peoples and First Nations: Businesses partnering with or benefiting First Nations communities, promoting economic development and cultural collaboration.

Additional Significant Economic Benefits:

  • Adopting new technology: Businesses implementing innovative technologies with significant economic potential.
  • Developing new products & services: Businesses creating novel offerings that address market needs and drive economic growth.
  • Developing innovative approaches to traditional businesses: Businesses using technology and innovative approaches to enhance existing industries and create value.
  • Increasing exports: Businesses primarily focused on exporting goods or services, expanding B.C.’s international trade footprint.
  • Increasing research and development, and technology commercialization: Businesses actively engaged in research and development, leading to new technologies and economic opportunities.
  • Providing products or services to an under-served local or regional market: Businesses addressing unmet needs in specific communities, contributing to inclusive economic development.
  • Transferring technology and specialized knowledge to BC: Businesses bringing new technologies and expertise to the province, fostering innovation and knowledge transfer.

By aligning your business concept with these key sectors and demonstrating potential economic benefits, you can strengthen your application for the BC PNP Entrepreneur Stream.

BC PNP Entrepreneur Stream: Invitation to Apply and Pathway to Permanent Residence

Invitation to Apply:

Periodically, the BC PNP conducts draws from the pool of registered candidates. Individuals with the highest rankings receive invitations to submit a formal application to the program. In the event of a tie, rankings are determined based on scores in specific sections, prioritizing Business Concept, Job Creation, and Business/Work Experience.

Invited candidates have 120 days to submit a complete application. This timeframe allows for finalizing business plans and obtaining net worth verification reports. Applications with information deviating materially from the registration may be refused.

Work Permit Stage:

Upon application approval, the BC PNP issues a Letter of Confirmation, serving as a work permit support letter for a two-year permit application with Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). This enables applicants and their families to relocate to B.C. and implement their business plans.

Applicants sign a Performance Agreement and have 20 months to establish their business in the province. Net worth verification and fund accumulation require engagement with a qualified supplier during this stage.

Transition to Permanent Residence:

Successful fulfillment of the Performance Agreement requirements within 20 months leads to a BC PNP nomination for permanent residence. Individuals and their dependent family members can then submit applications for permanent residence through the BC PNP stream with IRCC.

Completing the Performance Agreement terms allows submitting a Final Report to the BC PNP for a nomination certificate. This requires demonstrating:

  • Active business management (accountability for daily operations) within British Columbia.
  • Residence within 100 kilometers of the business.
  • Physical presence in B.C. for at least 75% of the work permit duration.
  • Compliance with all other Performance Agreement terms.