The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) Entrepreneur Stream offers a pathway for individuals seeking to establish or acquire a business in Ontario. This program provides a nomination for permanent residence in Canada, contingent upon meeting specific eligibility criteria and successfully operating your business in the province.

Revised OINP Entrepreneur Stream Application Process Overview:

Navigating the OINP Entrepreneur Stream:

A Step-by-Step Guide

 Here’s an overview of the application process:

Step 1: Express Your Interest

     Register your interest online through the OINP Expression of Interest (EOI) system.

     Meet the basic eligibility criteria, including business experience and net worth requirements.

     If your EOI is selected, you’ll receive an invitation to apply for the full program.

Step 2: Submit Your Application

     Develop a comprehensive business plan outlining your venture in Ontario.

     Prepare and submit a detailed application package addressing all required criteria.

     Demonstrate sufficient investment and job creation potential according to your chosen business location and sector.

     Attend a mandatory interview to discuss your business plan and background.

Step 3: Secure Your Nomination

     Upon successful application, sign a Performance Agreement outlining business milestones and commitments.

     Receive temporary work permit support from the OINP to facilitate your arrival and business launch.

     Establish your business in Ontario within 20 months, meeting the agreed-upon performance benchmarks.

     Upon achieving performance goals, receive a nomination for permanent residence from the Government of Ontario.

Step 4: Achieve Permanent Residence

     Apply for permanent residence with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) within six months of nomination.

     The OINP will monitor your business performance for 36 months after you attain permanent resident status.

Minimum Eligibility Requirements for OINP Entrepreneur Stream:

Prospective entrepreneurs seeking nomination through the OINP Entrepreneur Stream must fulfil specific eligibility criteria. Here’s a breakdown of the minimum requirements:

Business Experience:

     Demonstrated Experience: Possess at least 24 months of full-time business experience within the past 60 months, either as a business owner or senior manager.

     Specificity: Choose one type of experience (owner or manager) to demonstrate in your application and Expression of Interest (EOI).

     Ownership Requirements: As a business owner, actively participate in the business and hold at least one-third ownership.

     Senior Management: Demonstrate senior decision-making responsibilities as a senior manager.

Financial Requirements:

     Minimum Net Worth: Meet the net worth threshold based on your business location:

     Greater Toronto Area (GTA): $800,000.

     Outside GTA: $400,000.

     ICT/Digital Communications sector (any location): $400,000.

     Third-Party Verification: Present a net worth verification report from an authorized service provider.

Investment Requirements:

     Minimum Personal Investment: Make a minimum personal investment based on your chosen location:

     GTA: $600,000.

    Outside GTA: $200,000.

     ICT/Digital Communications sector (any location): $200,000.

     Investment Purpose: Allocate funds towards essential business establishment and operation costs, excluding cash equivalents, working capital, or wages for yourself or family members.

Equity Ownership:

     Minimum Ownership: Possess at least 33.3% (one-third) equity ownership in the business.

Job Creation:

     Job Commitment: Depending on your business location and type:

     GTA (new business): Create at least two permanent, full-time jobs for Canadian citizens or permanent residents.

     Outside GTA (new business): Create at least one permanent, full-time job for a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.

     GTA (existing business): Create two new full-time permanent positions in addition to existing staff.

     Outside GTA (existing business): Create one new full-time permanent position in addition to existing staff.

Other Requirements:

     Ontario Business Visit: Conduct at least one business-related visit to Ontario within the year preceding your EOI submission (applicable to existing business purchases).

     Active Management Involvement: Be actively involved in the ongoing management of your proposed business.

     Investment Purpose Restriction: The invested capital should not primarily aim to generate interest, dividends, or capital gains.

Note: If applying with a foreign national business partner, both of you must individually meet all the listed requirements. Only one such partner is permitted.

Minimum Requirements for Businesses in OINP Entrepreneur Stream:

Ensuring Eligibility: Key Business Criteria The OINP Entrepreneur Stream welcomes businesses that meet specific criteria to contribute to Ontario’s economy and create jobs. Here’s a breakdown of the key requirements for proposed businesses:

Business Purpose and Income:

     Profitable Activity: The business must aim to generate profit through the sale of goods or services.

     Active Income: Primary income should come from active operations, not passive investments.

Compliance and Legality:

     Legal Operations: Adherence to all Canadian and relevant industry regulations and licensing requirements is essential.

     Labour Standards: The business must comply with Ontario labour laws, including employment standards, health and safety, and labour relations.

     Permanency: The business must be intended for long-term operation in Ontario.

Investment and Partnerships:

     Third-Party Investors: Only Schedule I or II banks or institutional investors can participate.

     Business Plan: A comprehensive business plan outlining goals and strategies is required.

Purchasing an Existing Business:

     Operational History: The business must have been operational for at least 60 months under the same ownership.

     Proof of Ownership and Purchase: Documentation demonstrating ownership and purchase intent is mandatory.

     Ownership Transfer: The purchase must fully transfer ownership to the applicant, partner(s), or investor(s).

     No Prior OINP Involvement: The business should not have been owned by previous OINP nominees.

     Job Creation and Retention:

     Create at least one new full-time permanent position (outside GTA) or two (within GTA) in addition to existing staff.

     Maintain current wage levels and employment terms for existing staff.

     Growth Plan: The business plan must demonstrate a strategy for future growth and expansion.

     Investment Allocation: At least 10% of the minimum personal investment must be directed towards business improvement or expansion in Ontario.

Revised Minimum Requirements for OINP Entrepreneur Stream

Securing Your Nomination: Key Conditions and Exclusions Once you’ve established your business and fulfilled the Performance Agreement commitments, you’ll be eligible for nomination by the Government of Ontario. This nomination is a crucial step towards obtaining Canadian permanent residence.

Nomination Criteria:

     Language Proficiency: Demonstrate official language proficiency at a Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 4 level or equivalent in English or French. This can be achieved through recognized tests like IELTS, CELPIP, TEF, or TCF.

     Residency Requirement: Physically reside in Ontario for at least 75% (9 months) of the business establishment period as stipulated in your Performance Agreement.

     Active Management Involvement: Actively participate in the daily management of your business operations.

Additional Notes:

     Continue to comply with the conditions of your Performance Agreement and the information provided in your EOI and business plan within 20 months of arriving in Ontario.

Ineligible Businesses: The OINP will not process applications for

businesses considered to have minimal or no long-term economic benefit to the province. Therefore, your proposed business cannot fall under the following categories:

Greater Toronto Area (GTA):

     Existing Franchises in Ontario (new foreign franchises expanding into Ontario are permitted)

     Gas Stations

     Tire Recycling

     Scrap Metal Recycling


     Bed and Breakfasts

     Holding Companies


     Automated Car Wash Operations Payday Loan and RelatedBusinesses

     Businesses Previously Owned/Operated by Current or Former OINP Business Stream Nominees

     Businesses Involved in Producing, Distributing, or Selling Pornography or Sexually Explicit Products/Services, or Providing Sexually Oriented Services

Outside the GTA:

     Tire Recycling

     Scrap Metal Recycling


     Holding Companies


     Automated Car Wash Operations

     Payday Loan and Related Businesses

     Businesses Previously Owned/Operated by Current or Former OINP Business Stream Nominees

     Businesses Involved in Producing, Distributing, or Selling Pornography or Sexually Explicit Products/Services, or Providing Sexually Oriented Services

Expression of Interest (EOI) Information for OINP Entrepreneur Stream:

Demonstrating Interest: The Expression of Interest (EOI)

The OINP Entrepreneur Stream uses an Expression of Interest (EOI) to gauge potential candidates’ suitability for the program.
This EOI is not an application itself, but rather a way to express your interest and highlight your qualifications. If your EOI demonstrates a strong
fit, you may be invited to submit a full application.

Points-Based System for Eligibility:

The EOI operates on a self-declared points-based system. You can calculate your potential score based on the scoring information provided by the OINP. This score will help determine whether you receive an Invitation to Apply and move forward in the program.

OINP Entrepreneur Stream EOI Scoring Breakdown: Pave Your Path to Success

The Expression of Interest (EOI) for the OINP Entrepreneur Stream uses a points-based system to assess your suitability. Each factor contributes to your overall score, with a maximum of 200 points available.

Category Description Points Available
Business Concept Demonstrate a strong, innovative business idea with potential for growth and economic impact in Ontario. 74
Investment Factors Show a commitment to investing in your business and contributing to Ontario's economic development. 46
Human Capital Factors Highlight your relevant experience, skills, and qualifications for success in Ontario. 80

Crafting Your Business Model

A strong business model is the foundation for a successful application to the OINP Entrepreneur Stream. This factor carries a maximum of 15 points and requires a detailed written document outlining your proposed venture.

Key Components of Your Business Model:

      Purpose and Objectives: Clearly define what your business will offer, its target audience, and its operational approach.

      Strategies for Success: Explain how you will achieve your business goals and objectives.

      Financial Projections: Outline your operational and financial goals, including anticipated revenue and expenses.

      Risk Management: Identify potential challenges and your plans to mitigate them, covering areas like sales, marketing, competition, and financial management.

      Overcoming Obstacles: Demonstrate your ability to address challenges proactively, showcasing your understanding of the market, industry regulations, and potential hurdles.


      Focus on quality, not length. The OINP emphasizes the content and comprehensiveness of your business plan over its size.

      Align with OINP requirements. Ensure your plan addresses the program’s minimum requirements and aligns with the claims made in your EOI.

      Consult the OINP guide. Utilize the provided guide for specific sections and recommendations regarding your business plan development.

By crafting a compelling and detailed business model, you can strengthen your application and increase your chances of success in the OINP Entrepreneur Stream.

OINP Entrepreneur Stream: Market Research Scoring Breakdown

Factor Unsatisfactory/Unclear (0 points) Fair (7 points) Good (15 points) Total Points
Market Research Research lacking, no evidence of market understanding, strategy unclear. Basic research conducted, some understanding of market, but strategy needs refinement. Comprehensive research conducted, deep understanding of market, clear and actionable strategy outlined. 15

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Research Activities:
    • Unsatisfactory: No evidence of research activities conducted in Ontario.
    • Fair: Basic research conducted, but limited details or impact provided.
    • Good: Comprehensive research activities documented, demonstrating a clear understanding of the market and its influence on your business.
  • Market Analysis:
    • Unsatisfactory: Lack of analysis of critical market factors, data, or competitor landscape.
    • Fair: Some analysis provided, but key elements missing or underdeveloped.
    • Good: In-depth analysis of key market factors, data, and competitor landscape, with clear explanations of how you will address challenges and leverage opportunities.
  • Target Market:
    • Unsatisfactory: Target market unclear or undefined.
    • Fair: Target market identified, but trends and influences not fully explored.
    • Good: Precisely defined target market, with a clear understanding of relevant trends and their impact on your business.

OINP Entrepreneur Stream: Market Research Scoring Breakdown

Market Research Factor Unsatisfactory/Unclear (0 points) Fair (7 points) Good (15 points) Total Points
Research Activities No evidence of research conducted in Ontario Basic research conducted, limited details provided Comprehensive research activities documented, clear understanding of market influence 15 points
Market Analysis Lack of analysis of critical market factors, data, or competitor landscape Some analysis provided, but key elements missing or underdeveloped In-depth analysis of key market factors, data, and competitor landscape, with clear explanations for overcoming challenges and leveraging opportunities 15 points
Target Market Target market unclear or undefined Target market identified, but trends and influences not fully explored Precisely defined target market, with clear understanding of relevant trends and their impact 15 points
Overall Score 0 points 7 points 15 points 15 points

OINP Entrepreneur Stream: Demonstrating Economic Impact

Key Sector Focus and Economic Benefit (10 points)

The OINP Entrepreneur Stream recognizes the importance of aligning businesses with key provincial priorities. By aligning your proposed business with a designated key sector and demonstrating its potential economic benefit to Ontario, you can earn up to 10 points in this category.

Key Sectors:

  • Aerospace
  • Automotive
  • Chemical and Biochemical
  • Cleantech
  • Financial Services
  • Food and Beverage Manufacturing
  • Industrial Automation and Robotics
  • Information Technology
  • Life Sciences
  • Mining
  • Tourism

Proving Economic Benefit:

To claim this score, clearly outline how your business plan contributes to Ontario’s economic development goals. This includes demonstrating alignment with provincial and regional development strategies and explaining how your business will:

  • Create jobs
  • Attract investment
  • Generate revenue
  • Contribute to innovation
  • Support other businesses in the ecosystem

OINP Entrepreneur Stream: Significant Economic Benefit & Key Sector Scoring Breakdown

Factor Unsatisfactory/Unclear (0 points) Fair (5 points) Good (10 points) Total Points
Key Sector Alignment Business not in a key sector or alignment unclear Some connection to a key sector, but details lacking Clear alignment with a key sector demonstrated 10 points
Economic Benefit Analysis No explanation of economic benefit to Ontario Basic explanation, but limited evidence or impact Comprehensive analysis demonstrating significant economic benefit to Ontario 10 points
Overall Score 0 points 5 points 10 points 10 points

OINP Entrepreneur Stream: Investment Allocation Scoring Breakdown

Factor Unsatisfactory/Unclear (0 points) Fair (5 points) Good (10 points) Total Points
Investment Plan Clarity Unclear or missing investment plan Basic investment plan with limited details Comprehensive and well-defined investment plan 10 points
Growth Strategy Alignment Investment plan does not align with growth strategy Some alignment between investment and growth, but details lacking Clear and strategic alignment between investment plan and growth objectives 10 points
Economic Impact Limited or unclear explanation of economic impact from investment Moderate explanation of economic impact, but lacks details or data Compelling explanation of how investment will create jobs, attract talent, or contribute to the economy 10 points
Overall Score 0 points 5 points 10 points 10 points

OINP Entrepreneur Stream: Maximizing Points through Business Location

Location Advantage and Points Distribution (10 points)

The OINP Entrepreneur Stream recognizes the impact of business location on its success. This factor allows you to earn up to 10 points based on the proposed location of your business within Ontario.

Location Categories and Point Allocation:

The OINP uses data from Census Metropolitan Areas (CMAs) and Census Agglomerations (CAs) to classify business locations into three categories based on population size:

  1. Major urban centers (CMAs with core population 50,000+): 7 points
  2. Smaller urban centers and larger towns (CMAs/CAs with core population 10,000+): 5 points
  3. Rural areas (outside CMAs/CAs): 3 points

Understanding CMA and CA Definitions:

  • CMA: An area with a minimum total population of 100,000, including at least 50,000 in the core population center.
  • CA: An area with a core population of at least 10,000.
Business Location Category Point Allocation Description
Major Urban Center (Core 50,000+) 0 Established ecosystems, diverse talent, major infrastructure (e.g., Toronto, Ottawa)
Smaller Town/City (Core 10,000+) 5 Lower costs, emerging industries, focused community (e.g., Kitchener, Halifax)
Rural Area (Outside CMAs/CAs) 10 Lower density, unique economic character, growth potential (e.g., agriculture, tourism)
Total Points Available 10

OINP Entrepreneur Stream: Demonstrating Job Creation (14 points)

This factor allows you to earn points based on the number of permanent full-time jobs your proposed business will create for Canadian citizens or permanent residents within the first 20 months of operation. Contributing to Ontario’s employment landscape is a key principle of the OINP Entrepreneur Stream.

Eligibility and Minimum Requirement:

  • To be considered under this program, your business must create at least two permanent full-time jobs for Canadian citizens or permanent residents within the first 20 months.
  • These jobs must adhere to prevailing wage rates and offer a minimum of 1,560 hours of paid employment in a 12-month period.

Maximizing Your Score:

The more permanent full-time jobs you create, the higher your score in this factor. Remember, creating jobs strengthens your application and demonstrates your commitment to contributing to Ontario’s economic growth.

OINP Entrepreneur Stream: Job Creation Scoring Breakdown

Number of Permanent Full-Time Jobs Created

Point Allocation


1 job (outside GTA or ICT/Digital Communications sector) or 2 jobs (within GTA)

3 points

Meets minimum requirement for eligibility.

3–4 jobs

5 points

Demonstrates moderate job creation potential.

5 or more jobs

7 points

Creates significant job opportunities within Ontario.

Total Points Available

7 points


OINP Entrepreneur Stream: Wage Requirements and Job Creation Points

Wage Expectations:

The OINP requires all employees to be paid for hours worked and compensated fairly based on the information you provide in your business plan. However, the program doesn’t consider pay by piecework, bonuses, commissions, vacation pay, or non-financial compensation as part of an employee’s offered wage. You can offer these in addition to the base salary.

Importantly, the offered wage must meet or exceed the median wage established for the occupation and region, as outlined on the Government of Canada’s Job Bank website.

Job Creation Points:

You can earn up to 7 additional points under the job creation factor based on the National Occupational Classification (NOC) levels (0, A, or B) of the jobs your proposed business will create for Canadian citizens or permanent residents.